Content providers are simple interfaces which uses standard insert(), query(), update(), delete() methods to access application data. So it is easy to implement a content provider.
A special URI starting with
content:// will be assigned to each content providers and that will be recognized across applications.
Writing a content provider:
The ContentProvider class is the central component of a content provider. To create a content provider we have to
1. Create sub class for ContentProvider.
2. Define content URI
3. Implement all the unimplemented methods. insert(), update(), query(), delete(), getType().
4. Declare the content provider in AndroidManifest.xml
Defining URI:
Content provider URI consists of four parts.
content:// All the content provider URIs should start with this value
'authority' is Java namespace of the content provider implementation. (fully qualified Java package name)
'path' is the virtual directory within the provider that identifies the kind of data being requested.
'id' is optional part that specifies the primary key of a record being requested. We can omit this part to request all records.
Adding new records:
We need to override insert() method of the ContentProvider to insert new record to the database via content provider. The caller method will have to specify the content provider URI and the values to be inserted without the ID. Successful insert operation will return the URI value with the newly inserted ID.
For example: If we insert a new record to the content provider content://com.example/sample
the insert method will return content://com.example/sample/1
Updating records:
To update one or more records via content provider we need to specify the content provider URI. update() method of the ContentProvider is used to update records. We have to specify the ID of the record to update a single record. To update multiple records, we have to specify 'selection' parameter to indicate which rows are to be changed.
This method will return the number of rows updated.
Deleting records:
Deleting one or more records is similar to update process. We need to specify either ID or 'selection' to delete records. delete() method of the ContentProvider will return the number of records deleted.
Querying the content provider:
To query the data via content provider we orverride query() method of ContentProvider. This method has many parameters. We can specify list columns to put into the result cursor using 'projection' parameter. We can specify 'selection' criteria. We can specify 'sortOrder' too.
If we do not specify projection, all the columns will be included in the result cursor. If we do not specify sortOrder the provider will choose its own sort order.
getType() method:
This method is used handle requests for the MIME type of the data at the given URI. We use either or is used to represent specific item. Another one is used to specify all items.
Registering the provider in AndroidManifest.xml
As with any other major parts of Android application, we have to register the content providers too in the AndroidManifest.xml.
element is used to register the content providers. is its parent element.